Saturday, 30 March 2019

Do You Think Detoxication is Real???

What do you think about Detoxication??

 According to Wikipedia Detoxication is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism , including the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver

Why do we need Detoxication?

We live in  a  polluted  and  stressful  world. A  person’s  body  can  become overburdened  and strained by  contaminants.    This  contamination  can  lead to  health  problems. There are  several types  of  toxins.
  •   Anti-nutrients  such  as high  fructose  corn  syrup,  trans-fats,  caffeine,  alcohol,  and processed  foods.
  • By-products  from  the  chemical  processes  that  keep  us  alive  such as  nitrogen,  carbon dioxide,  bile,  urea,  and stool.
  •  Medications  used  improperly,  inappropriately,  or  too  often.
  •  Heavy metals  such  as  mercury,  arsenic,  lead,  cadmium,  tin,  and  aluminum .
  •   Chemicals  such  as  pesticides,  herbicides,  cleaning  products,  solvents,  and  glues .
  • Allergens  such  as  food,  mold,  dust,  pollen,  and chemicals .
  •  Causes of infections such as bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites .
  • Further more there are some social, emotional, spiritual challenges that might affect our well-being.
How to detoxify your body
There are many research many scientist and researcher have make on how human being can easily detoxify their body and release the excess toxin materials in the body. Many researcher have come up with a lot of therapy and a lot of time stretch exercises to detoxify the body but yet many of this still prove abortive. During my course of making research about Detoxication I find a product that can easily detoxify a body with in a week without any stress and it work perfectly with a lot testimonies attack to it..
                   <<<<Click here to learn more>>>>>

Monday, 10 April 2017

Dear men, there's a new report that says there's nothing wrong with going down on your girl when she's on her period'...Lmaoo

Most men don't like going down with thier ladies during period but according to an
article on UK’s Metro newspaper, there's
nothing wrong with it and they are
encouraging men to consider it. Read the
article below...
There’s absolutely, totally,
definitively, nothing wrong with
going down on someone when they’re
on their period. There’s nothing
gross about it. Nothing dirty.
Nothing disgusting.
Having an orgasm can alleviate
cramps, reduce pain, and even
shorten the length of a period
(thanks to the contractions of the
uterus, which make the lining and
blood come out faster).
It also boosts your mood, reducing
any PMS-related moodiness in the
process, and makes you feel sexier
when you’re often feeling a bit
bloated and crap.
Receiving oral when you’re on your
period makes the most of all that
period time horniness (yes, loads of
us are extra turned on around our
period time, it’s not just you), and
the lingering feelings of ‘is this
okay? Is everyone else doing this?’
makes it feel a little taboo.*
*Hopefully one day it won’t be
taboo, but for now we can enjoy
that bit as a turn-on.

Some sexual benefits of Cannabis lube you find to believe


For those who have tired of the many, ways of smoking your weed,eating your weed and dinning always with your weed, there's something new you can do with weed and it involves your junk. 
Cannabis lube is the sex lube for people tired of boring old sex lubes without any drugs in them. It's made of "all natural liquid coconut oil (MCT) and purified pharmaceutical-grade cannabis oil," according to its website. A few spritzes on the clitoris and labia is meant to "enhance pleasure" through the power of THC, and also, we assume, do what lube do. 
Writer Ashley Hoffman tried the stuff out to see what would happen when she tried to get her vagina high and do sex stuff, and she wrote a review of it for Stylite. A few excerpts: 
"I smelled like a tanning salon in a Hungarian bakery. I let it marinate for 45 minutes before I jilled off. It had a lasting silky texture, but getting off felt like it usually does. (It also doesn’t stir your mind the way smoking greenery would.)"
"I dosed myself with six (sprays) all up in there, and waited a full hour with my 'partner' (sorry) tasked with groping me."
"As soon as the licking started, it hit me. There are the drugs. It was an all-over buzzy tingly feeling that spreads the pleasure much further than wherever you’re being directly stimulated. It pulsated like there was a delicate vibrator inside of me, but better. Cloudier. I hadn’t felt anything like it before, and I’ve had my share of sex after some hits from a J."

Just as people continue to make their own weed-infused "baked goods," not a few have tried their hand at whipping up their own marijuana topical for the bedroom. it's time to assemble all the ingredients in your kitchen.

The most crucial ingredient, as you'd expect, is the marijuana: Recipes call for anywhere from two grams to half an ounce, but you can adjust as needed. You'll also need some kind of base oil; most recipes suggest extra virgin coconut oil, à la Foria and Bond, but High Times has instructions for using avocado oil, and MCT oil seems to work well, too. Beyond that, you can add your own desired flavors.

Generally speaking, all one needs to do is heat the base oil until it completely liquefies, then cook the finely ground cannabis in it at a low heat so that it absorbs the THC and other cannabinoids. Then you strain the actual weed out of the mixture, leaving just a cannabis-infused oil that works as lube.

For those who want to try something a little fancier, consider making this "love butter" from a recipe that became "far and away the most popular" post on a cannabis cooking website called Wake & Bake. Here, your cannabis-infused coconut oil is added to either shea butter or cocoa butter as well as sunflower or grapeseed oil and a few drops of your preferred aromatherapy oil. The result is a thick, whipped, "luscious" topical that tastes great and kicks sex up a notch. The author indeed cautions the first time she and her partner tried it, she got pregnant — so yes, "it's baby-makin' good."

Homemade marijuana lube by Corrine Tobias.
Source: Wake and Bake
So there you have it. Now that you know how it works, how to use it, where to find it and a few ways to make it yourself, marijuana lube is sure to become a fun addition to your sexual repertoire. What ero innovation will horny stoners think of next? That's anybody's guess — but we can't wait to find it
You can find more about cannabis lube here
Please don't make used of cannabis in the state where they are

Friday, 10 June 2016

Some health benefits facts of Jute leaves, saluyot leaves (EWEDU) that you will not believe

7Jute leaves is popularly refer to as ewedu leaves among the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria and the leaves is highly regard as a good vegetables by the peoples of Nigeria if not general in Africa at large. Jute provide a lot benefit to human body system and it also serve as herb leaves to some people in some regions.  Research also show that jute leaves act as foreign exchange materials for some countries in the world e.g Bangladesh
    Some amazing health benefits of jute leaves (EWEDU Leaves)
The vegetable is not just rich in nutrition but also has a lot of health benefits, including protecting us from various diseases. Nutrition-wise, vegetables are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals. They are also good sources of fibre. Fibre keeps the intestinal tract in good health and may even reduce the risk of some cancers and diseases.
1. The leaves contain almost all of the nutrients needed by humans and are high in antioxidant property, primarily in the form of Vitamin E. These antioxidants combine with free radicals that cause health
problems like arthritis, hardening of arteries, heart and kidney ailments and inhibit the harmful and destructive effects of these radicals.
2. It is also used as herbal medicine to control or prevent dysentery, worm infestation and constipation.
Jute leaves are rich in vitamins, carotinoids, calcium, potassium and dietary fibres. Although it has been
grown for food
3. In recent times it has been discovered that jute has many other benefits, including anti-
ageing benefits.
4. Jute as vegetable and medicine
Studies have shown that this green, leafy vegetable is rich in beta-carotene for good eyesight, iron for
healthy red blood cells, calcium for strong bones and teeth, and vitamin C for smooth, clear skin, strong immune cells, and fast wound-healing.
5. Vitamins A, C and E present in jute leaves  “sponge up” free radicals, scooping them up before they can commit cellular sabotage. 6. As a vegetable, it contains an abundance of antioxidants that have been associated with protection from chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension as well as other medical conditions.
Ayurvedics (ancient Hindu system of healing) use the leaves for ascites, pain, piles, and tumours.
7. Elsewhere, the leaves are used for cystitis, dysuria, fever, and gonorrhoea. The cold infusion is said to restore the appetite and strength.
8. Jute leaves and weight loss
The green leaf has been described as a source of weight loss. Serving jute leaves without meat or fish only has 97 calories. So, for those trying to lose some weight, include jute leaves in your diet.
9. Jute leaves for pregnant women
This jute leaf has been known to be a remedy for pregnant women experiencing prolonged labour. When a pregnant woman is experiencing prolonged labour, a bunch of ewedu leaves squeezed with the stem can be
given to her to drink. It has also been discovered to aid milk secretion in lactating mothers.
      So with this reasons some majority people in Africa prefer to take jute leaves always.  It also serve as an accurate soup to some Africa food dishes, except from that it also taken as a tea for some Asia countries. And I guess that this is part of the reasons that cancer and some of this new generation diseases are not common in old ages because they take a lot of vegetables and which Jute leaves is part of it.
  I hope to give out some tips next on how to make some good income from jute leaves. If jute leaves can survive some countries in the past in their foreign exchange income so why can't it survive a family of their income ?  Then we need to think big and start small     

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Tomatoes Ebola. Implications and sources

Tuta absoluta is diseases of tomatoes popularly call tomatoes Ebola in Nigeria . it is cause by species of moth in family Gelechiidae known by the common names tomato leafminer . The larva feeds voraciously upon tomato plants, producing large galleries in leaves, burrowing in stalks, and consuming apical buds and green and ripe fruits. It is capable of causing a yield loss of 100%. It also affect some other crops like tobacco, sweet pepper, sweet potatoes e.t.c .
  There are still basically two types of control on tomatoes Ebola which they are
1. Biological control
The following bio-gents could be used to control Tuta absoluta:
1. Trichogramma pertiosum
2. Trichogramma achaeae
3. Macrolophus pygmaeus
4. Nesidiocoris tenuis
5. Nabis pseudoferus
The egg parasitoid Trichogramma achaeae has been identified as a candidate for biological control of the South American Tomato Pinworm, Tuta absoluta. On greenhouse conditions a high efficacy, 91.74 % of damage reduction was obtained when releasing 30 adults/ plant (= 75 adults/ m2) every 3-4 days on August and September of 2008 in the southeast of Spain (Cabello et al., 2009).
The use of biological pest control, the damsel bug Nabis pseudoferus, is being studied to be applied in Spanish greenhouses. Two semi field bioassays on tomato plants, under controlled conditions, have shown an important reduction in the number of eggs of Tuta absoluta, between 92 and 96 %, when releasing 8 or 12 first stage nymphs of Nabis pseudoferus per plant (Cabello et al., 2009).
Microbial control
Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki have exhibited satisfactory efficacy against Tuta absolutalarval infestations in Spanish outbreaks. Delayed application of Bacillus thuringiensis may cause higher insect mortality if the insects become more susceptible to the pathogen after a longer period of feeding on the resistant crop. It is reported that in a combine application of mass release of Trichogramma pertiosum and Bacillus thuringiensis resulted fruit damage only 2 % in South America.
Entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae could be caused female’s mortality up to 37.14%. Laboratory studies indicated Beauveria bassiana could cause 68% larval mortality.
Botanical Insecticides
Neem seed extract, Azadiractin acts as contact and systemic insecticide against Tuta absoluta. A soil application 48.9-100% larval mortality was recorded. Application of neem oil in adaxial surface of the foliage causes 57-100% larval mortality. However, it reported that application directly on larvae caused 52.4-95% mortality (Goncalves-Gervasio and Vendramin, 2008
Botanical Insecticides
Neem seed extract, Azadiractin acts as contact and systemic insecticide against Tuta absoluta. A soil application 48.9-100% larval mortality was recorded. Application of neem oil in adaxial surface of the foliage causes 57-100% larval mortality. However, it reported that application directly on larvae caused 52.4-95% mortality (Goncalves-Gervasio and Vendramin, 2008).
 2. Chemical Controls
Chemical control often fails due to the resistance of Tuta absoluta against many pesticides, but also because a big part of its development takes place inside the plant or the soil, out of reach of Pesticide but still chemical method is the best method in control and curbing it. Frequent intense application of insecticide leads to develop insecticide resistance. Reduce efficiency and control failure of the insecticides used against Tuta absoluta have been reported in South America. Resistance to Pyrethroid and Methamidophos, Cartap has been reported in Brazil, Chile and Argentina. However, there are active ingredients have found to be effective against Tuta absoluta larval infestations in Spanish outbreaks; Imidacloprid, Indoxacarb and spinosad. It is also reported that Deltamethrin has provided effective ‘knock-down’ of adult in Spain.
In my own view I also suggest good agriculture process can play a long role in control and curbing this disease and pest.